What happened to PERMABEAR?

6 min readMay 23, 2022

Gm Bears,

The update youā€™ve finally been waiting. This announcement will dramatically shift the direction of the PERMABEAR project. As well as the PERMABULL project.

Permabear may have reached an ATH of 300k market cap, or a 12x since launch, but the odds were not in our favour.

400+ gwei gas, no influencers calling coins, market dumping, shitcoin volume dead, selling pressure from airdrops, spam bot attacksā€¦ The launch was poised to underperform under the PERMABULL Labs standards.

Weā€™ve come up with the team with ways to compensate those affected, more specifically the new investors.

We have heard your complaints, and the dev team is happy to announce the following changes:

1 ] Airdropping new investors PERMABULL tokens

We donā€™t want new investors of the PERMABULL ecosystem to leave hurt.

This is why we have decided to airdrop all new investors of BEAR some PERMABULL tokens so they join new launches and participate in our ecosystem.

The airdrop will be a 1:1 DOLLAR VALUE AIRDROP (not a 1:1 token airdrop).

Existing Permabull holders are not eligible for this airdrop (as it is to only compensate new investors, and they already got a free BEAR airdrops).

Please fill the following form to claim your airdrop, if you are a new investor of BEAR (i.e. you didnā€™t get airdropped BEAR tokens):


We will start with smaller investors first or with those most affected with their losses, and move up accordingly.

2 ] Early access to new launch for BEAR holders

We are excited to see the shitcoins markets recovering rapidly, with the midsts of Luna-related coins popping off.

At Permabull Labs, we wanted to jump on the opportunity, but also create something more sustainable in the long-run.

We are therefore excited to announce that a new launch candidate has arrived to the PERMABULL Launchpad:

Say hello to $Glizzy, the only stablecoin really pegged to $1! We will introduce Glizzy properly in an upcoming post but here you may find some more information: https://www.glizzy.lol

Is this going to be the next $banana, $parm, $chedda?

The PERMABULL community will also be informed, but the BEAR group will remain closed keep some of alpha exclusive to the investors here (keep reading).

We heard your complaints on our previous launch, and we wanted to remove 100% of sources of FUD.

The new launch will be 100% stealth. No airdrops or presale. No team tokens. This is best for guaranteed moonshots.

This will also be a 0% tax coin. No tax grab. The PERMABULL DAO will use its Treasury and network with influencer to push this project to the moon.

I hope you are as excited as we are. We are really going big on this one. This will be our biggest launch yet.

Hereā€™s the kicker: to compensate and provide utility to BEAR investors following the crash, the contract address will only be revealed, in anticipation, to PERMABEAR holders exclusively.

PERMABULL holders will have to wait until after launch to get the contract and will be a stealth for them. PERMABEAR group will remain closed to not share the alpha.

Launch date is expected early next week, we will update you soon regarding specific ETA.

Please note that this is a launch candidate, ultimately the community will decide to launch this or not.

3 ] Converting PERMABEAR into a new project

The Bear community will be transformed into the next Permabullā€™s launch project mentioned in announcement 2.

Whilst we might revisit the BEAR project in the future, we must admit it did not gain the traction we might have hoped for. For instance, whales and influencers were more interested in some other projects in our pipeline.

This is why it makes little sense to relaunch the same coin, even if the market conditions improve here, or we opt for better tokenomics. The updates regarding PERMABEAR will therefore cease to make room for the new project.

There will be no airdrops for the new project. As mentioned in announcement 2, no presale or free tokens are available for ANYONE (not even the team).

New investors of BEAR will be compensated by airdrop (see announcement 1) so they are not left holding a dead project. Again, please fill the form to receive the PERMABULL airdrop to be eligible:


Thank you very much for trusting PERMABULL Labs, more great things are on the way!


Now, you might have some anticipated questions:

  • Is this a rug?

No. Despite the periods of lack of updates, please note that we are working hard in making our projects the best they can. It is normal that some launches might perform better than others. Weā€™d just like to remind investors the returns achieved by PERMABULL Labs:

  • PUTIN COIN: 142x from launch, $3m ATH market cap
  • PERMABULL: 33x, $800k ath mc
  • PERMABEAR: 12x, $300k ath mc

All of this, while we were in a full-on bear market. If you invested at launch in any of the launches, youā€™d be in profit still after the 90%+ drawdowns.

We therefore want to give the same opportunity once again to new investors that just joined the PERMABULL ecosystem and that might have incurred some losses on our latest coins.

  • What will happen with Permabull?

Permabull is still aimed at creating memecoin moonshots. Nothing has changed in that department.

The only significant changes that we will implement are how we operate the launches and the utility of the PERMABULL token. For instance, we will minimize airdrops, as from our experience it creates FUD, complications, and is expensive to implement.

Moreover, we will focus greater emphasis on the community and what they actually want. We are happy to announce that PERMABULL is now a functional governance token!

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At the moment, holding PERMABULL allows you to participate into new projects as well as, but as mentioned earlier we will reduce the projects with initial airdrops.

We are working everyday on some ideas to generate further utility of our token such as:

  • hard coding buyback and burn taxes on the launchpad projects,
  • lottery/gambling to win the generated revenue of launches,
  • staking different tiers allowing different participations in pools,
  • collecting airdrops of partnering projects,
  • buy back and burn retainer fees generated for the Dev-as-a-Service utility,
  • And moreā€¦!
  • How does a 0% tax coin benefit Permabull?

A no-tax coin does not generate any revenue to the DAO. Instead, Permabull Labs has decided to make this next launch 100% community focused, as the bear market already brings difficulties times.

The launch benefits the Labs indirectly by bringing recognition and awareness, if the launch is successful. Moreover, the LP will be 100% issued by the DAO, meaning all Uniswap trading fees will go back to us. Using Uniswap v3 pools, we can accumulate trading pool fees that strengthen the LP, without having to implement taxes in the code. The original LP will be locked, but the trading fees generated will be used to purchase back the native PERMABULL token.

Nonetheless, the Permabull DAO will also purchase a stake in the new coin at launch, as an investment but also in order to compensate the Team.

  • What happened to the ETH dividends on PERMABULL

At the time being, the ETH dividends are currently on hold. We have had only currently 1 launch, which was more of an airdrop to compensate Permabull holders during this bear market. The Permabear launch was not intended to bring substantial revenue for the DAO, and will be used to bootstrap new launches instead.

For this reason, we have removed marketing materials promoting ETH dividends now as the tokenomics are currently on hold and will only be revisited within an undetermined period of time.




The Permabull Launchpad is a memecoin accelerator that constantly brings secure, rug-free, moonshots. #ETH